“It is easier than ever.” Mr. Peeping Tom

ptg01680591What would you do if you caught a man peering into the window of your teenage daughter or wife’s window to catch a glimpse of them in their underwear or a tight fitting tank-top? You would probably call the police, grab your Louisville Slugger and run outside to catch him. But I know you would not call the man and tell him when would be the best time to be at your daughter’s window. Your would never want to make it easy for a young male to gawk, visualize or even fantasize about your daughter or wife. But I think we actually are.

When June rolls around, it does not take long for the pictures of teenage girls and even sometimes their mothers in tight (revealing) tops and swimsuits to start popping up on social media sites like instagram, twitter, snapchat, and facebook. If we would be upset over a man peering into our daughter’s window then why would we allow them to posts photos of themselves in bikinis. We are in fact inviting young men over to gaze through our daughter’s blinds.

Instead, we need to make sure that we are protecting our wife, daughters and even our sons.  Here are some questions, including myself, that we need to ask and answer:

  • Do you know the types of pictures that your family is posting on social meda sites?
  • Are you having conversations about modesty and the dangers of posting pictures for others to see?
  • Are you helping protect the innocence of your children and the children of others?

As summer and swimsuit season kicks off we all need to be reminded of our responsibility to protect and serve.

About Mark Kuykendall

Husband, Dad of Three, Pastor, Sinner Saved by Grace, Lover of the Outdoors
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3 Responses to “It is easier than ever.” Mr. Peeping Tom

  1. noahdlee says:

    Great thoughts. I would add emphasis to the point you made about modesty. As a father of a young daughter, I know how hard our culture makes it to be modest. Little girls (or teens or women) should not wear bikinis. Swimsuits should cover up a girl’s body. Sadly, finding modest, one piece swimsuits is very hard. But if the girls (and guys) dress modestly, pictures won’t be a problem.

  2. Pingback: “It is easier than ever.” Mr. Peeping Tom | The Blog of Mark Kuykendall | Irrigating Deserts

  3. lizreeves says:

    I’m going through my blogroll & deleting blogs that are not being used any more. I don’t want to risk NOT seeing a post here, but let me know if you think you’re done with blogging.

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